Important Information
On Saturday March 19th 2022 the Citizen testing Site Winterfeldtplatz will be open throughout the night till Sunday 02:00am.
Citizen testing Site Winterfeldtplatz
An original Deutsches Testzentrum in Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg district of Schöneberg
Auf dem Winterfeldtplatz in 10781 Berlin Schöneberg befindet sich das freundliche Bürgertestzentrum Winterfeldtplatz
Hours of operation
- Monday
07:00am to 09:00pm - Tuesday
07:00am to 09:00pm - Wednesday
07:00am to 09:00pm - Thursday
07:00am to 09:00pm - Friday
07:00am to 10:00pm - Saturday
10:00am to 10:00pm - Sunday & major holidays
10:00am to 08:00pm
- Antigen Schnelltes mittels sanftem Abstrich im vorderen Nasenbereich (ca. 2-3cm)
- Free WiFi SSID "Deutsches Testzentrum"
- Multilingual clinical findings/testing result digitally or printed (waiting period appr. 15-20min)
- N95 masks will be provided upon demand
Contact information
- Operator
Deutsches Testzentrum GbR - Location
Winterfeldtplatz, 10781 Berlin - Email
winterfeldtplatzZdeutschestestzentrumBcom - Hotline
030 577 140 79